Chairperson        Maire George – 087 2424934

Secretary             Anita Dowling  – 087 9118320

Treasurer             Eileen Murphy –  9159447


Ballon Improvement Group would like to thank all those who worked with them during 2013 especially the Fás Workers and Tús Workers, local volunteers and all who worked in any way towards making Ballon Village a nicer place to live in.

A big thank you to our web guy Michael Martin for his great work in keeping our website up to date for the last twelve years.

It has had its first real hiccup just recently but it is well on the mend.

The site was hacked.

Michael did not give up on it and it has come bouncing back. One special Elf , Michael’s son Gareth has provided great assistance and we cannot thank him enough. And thanks to Michael Dawson for helping for 2013 missing bits.

We wish everybody a very happy Christmas and New Year 2014.

Our AGM Will be in Feb. and would love to see as many as possible attend.

Christmas Fair – 13/12/13

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Heritage Week 24/8/13

2 nd    Annual  Hedge school  at Slí na Sceach, The Forge, Kilbride.

James Freney of Co. Kilkenny was a most famous highway man of 1740 and thus was named the” Irish Robinhood”.    This man’s story was told by the Hedge School Master at the Ballon Improvement Group, Heritage Week Event on Saturday 24th Aug 2013.  The enactment  of an 1800 Hedge School (Scoil Scairte)  teamed of Irish history and appreciation of our natural environment. The children enjoyed the Slí na Sceach along with art, song , dance  and storytelling.

Slí na Sceach at the Forge Restaurant, Kilbride Cross, Ballon was the venue.  A Hedge school would surely have taken place around this area in the 1800’s.   After the Hedge School came the old Forge and later a Post Office and now an award winning Restaurant with local fresh and delicious food.

The success of our second Hedge School Event is certainly a dream come true as is the success of The Forge.  Ballon Community is a special one and thanks to all who helped.

The Cast in order of appearance:


Kalin Kelly, Amy Kelly, Robbie Maher, Jamie Maher, Lilly Maher, Johnny Maher, Ella Dowling, James Dowling, Amy Maloney, Lia Maloney, Aoifa Mc Farland,Ciolán Breslin, Oran Breslin, Sami Salter, Charles Salter, Kate Murphy, Megan Morahan, Allanna Randall, Mike Randall, Padraic Nolan, Dermot Nolan, Ruth O’Byrne, Edward O’Byrne.

Musician :                             Leslie Dunne
Dancemaster:                      Peter O’Neill
School Master:                    Bernie Mullins
Highway Woman:              Breda Wray
Organiser                             Máire George
Hostess                                 Mary Jordan
Photographers                    Local Photographer  Michael Martin and the Nationalist.

Special thanks to Michael Martin for the excellent video footage which is on U Tube.

The tasty lunch consisted of local floury boiled potatoes, butter and milk.

Míle buichiós to gach éinne a bhí pairteach.

YouTube Link

Ballon in Bloom – August

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Fun Cycle – 15/6/2013

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 Litter Campaign – March/April

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