12/1/13 – Monica Percy from Ballon was selected by RTE to be one of their leaders in the current programme of Operation Transformation. Today she launched the ‘getting fit’ programme of events organised through Siopa Glas. About 250 in total joined in with 234 making it down Ballykealey Lane.
The gallery is of pictures captured from the TV over the course of the training programme.
RTE’ Operation Transformation programme came to an end in February and Ballon’s own Monica Percy did herself, her family and her village proud throughout the eight weeks that the programme was transmitted. She met her weigh target each week and in the end lost a whopping twenty-four pounds. Monica’s enthusiasm was such that a local walking group was formed in Ballon to support her and with some fifty people taking to the bye-ways and laneways each night, wet or fine, a total of 30 stone was collectively lost.
See also the local Video on YouTube
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