If you have something to add to any of these pages, or start a new page please let me know.
Ballintemple – Days of Yore
Ballon Hill
Ballon’s memorial to unbaptised children
Ballykealey address by tenantry to Colonel R.B. Lecky
Ballykealey House
Ballykealey Walled Garden
Ballykealey Ordnance Survey 1839
Carlow notices for the registration of planting trees
Fr. Whelan’s Golden Jubilee
Joe Doyle’s
Lecky and Quaker Graveyards
Lieutenant John Rupert Robert Lecky
Nan Nolan, Laragh, Ballon. Witness statement for Bureau of Military History
Nolans Village Shop of 76 years
Quakers Talk by John Smyth to Carlow Hisorical Society Feb. 2016