
Miriam’s promotional video for RTE taken at Altamont on the 30th July (Not shown however Grrrr)





Monday 18th Tralee Crowd

Invalid Displayed Gallery


 Sunday 17th August

Hi Michael
Miriam will be on Tuesday night and she will be the final interview.
Best wine is kept till last!
Bus full from Ballon arr here at 1pm tomorrow and are going to be meeting Daithi O Shea the MC for the show. Also meeting with Ollie Hennessy from Carlow . We are going to be waiting for them with the Carlow flag.
Meeting place is Fells Hotel.  Will take some pictures and send on.
That’s the full report for Day 1.

Friday 8th August

Miriam ticket

Last night, Friday 8th August, a funding celebration was held in the capacious new Community Centre. Local talent came to the fore and entertained an appreciative audience. A full recognition of the night will follow together with video clips of the performers and guests. In the meantime here are pictures taken with Miriam and if you want a print out leave an envelope in McAssey’s with your name and the picture number together with a contribution towards Miriam’s expenses. A 4 by 6 print will be returned to the shop. Enjoy.

Dreams do come true by Máire George

A Rose from Ballon takes part in the Rose of Tralee Competition 2014
Ballon is full of Roses the blooming kind and many of them are grown from slips from the Rose Garden in Tralee Town Park that houses the records of all the Roses from all over the world who have taken part in the Rose of Tralee Finals each year for the last fifty one years. More information on this can be got on www.ballonvillage.com

John Candy of Candy Tours Carlow is organising a bus to Tralee and he consulted Maire George, Chairperson of Ballon Improvement Group about the trip.   John and Maire put their best foot forward   they ‘sowed the seeds’ and what followed will just go down in history.

The night of the 8th August in Ballon Community Hall was special in many ways.  The first stage show
held in the state of the art sports facility.  The people of Ballon are so proud that Miriam Smyth is the Carlow Rose for 2014.   .
Just pure magic from the wine and cheese reception prepared by Siopa Glas volunteers Breda Wray and Kathleen Percy to the beautiful rendering of the ‘Rose of Tralee’ With Joe Whelan.
We did not want the night to end…………………
This night was a first for Ballon and it is true to say that it possessed all the hallmarks of what the Rose of Tralee is all about.   Style, traditional values, good entertainment, goodwill, generosity, and community spirit at its very best.

Is Feidir le Miriam.  Best wishes go with her to Tralee.  Ballon and Carlow people are in for a fantastic few days in Tralee.  Just a bit of inside information.  Each Rose in Tralee is allotted a special Pub to host friend and relations.  ‘Sean Óg’s’ Pub will be the hub of our Rose and the meeting point for all.
Think that Miriam will do very well and no matter what happens she will always be our special Rose from Ballon.

See also Rose TV



Other guests and performers


Thanks to all who helped:

The performers

Joe Whelan

Martin and Aoife Codd

Marian Nolan

Jackie Byrne

Leslie Dunne

Set Dancers

Michael Brennan

The Clare Sisters

John Mullins

Lights and Sound

Steve Corry

Pictures and Videos

Michael Martin – the web guy


Eileen Murphy – bbts

Mary Jordan – The Forge

Breda Wray – Siopa Glas

Kethleen Percy – Siopa Glas

Helen McGagh – Community Centre

Noel Maher – Community Centre

Lila Rogers and Tullow Day Care Centre

Ballon Community Hall Staff and Committee

Raffle Sponsors

Seven Oaks Hotel, Michael McAssey, Centra Zerafas, Nolan Auto Centre, Ballykealey Manor Hotel, Sam McCauley, Riverdale Nursing Home, Cheetah Electronics, Joe Doyles, Bohemien Heads, Carlow

Production Team

John Candy of Candy Tours,  who did Trojan work and was the MC

Máire George, Chairperson of Ballon Improvement Group


PS by Máire

‘Mary’ (Name of Rose) same as the original Rose of Tralee.

Beautiful pink shrub Rose was presented to Miriam by Maire George on behalf of the Ballon Community.

mary rose

This special Rose  was specially selected and sponsored by Robert Miller of Altamont Plant Sales.  Miriam was also presented with a wallet of notes and a Newbridge Silver engraved compact set.

Again thanks to all those who helped in any way- The people who attended the function, the entertainers who gave of their time so generously and the sponsors.


Miriam at Altamont for the first of her promo. videos as part of the selection process for the finalists. It had to be 30secs long and at Altamont Gardens and taken 12/5/14