On the 29th July friends and neighbours gathered in Kavanaghs to wish Kathleen a well earned and long retirement.
In her own words as sprinted in the newsletter…………..
……….As was announced recently, this is my last weekend serving as Sacristan in Ballon. I am retiring after being Sacristan for twenty years and Parish Secretary for thirty years. Although I am retiring with mixed feelings I am deeply
appreciative for all the support I received while I served as Sacristan and Parish Secretary. I have enjoyed the interaction I had with parishioners and it was a privilege to be able to help people on happy occasions like weddings and
baptisms and to be a support to families on sad occasions like funerals. Over the years many boys and girls served Mass in Ballon Church and I enjoyed training them and working with them. I am deeply appreciative to Fr. Whelan for his
kindness, support and encouragement to me while I was Sacristan and Parish Secretary. I thank Fr. Howard and I wish him a speedy recovery. Over the years I loved the May processions and the Eucharistic Adoration that I helped to set up
and with which I will be involved into the future. I aimed to give the best service I could as Sacristan and Parish Secretary and I am deeply grateful to you all for your support over the years.
Thank you all very much. Kathleen
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Apologies for the poor images but my external flash didn’t sync with the camera and the standby camera wasn’t happy either.
Kathleen with the final servers….
……. with the two grandsons and Naimh presenting some home grown dahlias