Local Garda Mick Egan.

Mobile Phone 086 8582758

Ballon Station 059 9159122

Tullow Station 059 9151222

Carlow Station 059 9136620

Garda Confidential Line

This FreePhone number allows you to leave information on criminal activities confidentially on a voice recorder, so you do not speak to any person. All details given are handled in the strictest confidence.

The Garda Confidential Line Number is: 1 800 666 111

Ballon Station

Ballon Garda Station is is not occupied full time but Gardai can be contacted in Tullow. His area includes Ballon, Clonegal, Kildavin and Ardattin which is a large area to cover.  If you have concerns about safety in your area please contact me directly in confidence. It you prefer anonymity you can leave a note at the station.